Saturday, March 12, 2016

LDL Retreat Presentation Resources and Links

Here are the links and info from the LDL Retreat.  I'll add more posts in the future with additional resources.  Be sure to scroll down to other (older) posts.  There are lots of explanations for the slides in there (like Mission/Vision, manners, hilarious stories about my kiddos and their energetic messes).

These are resources that have helped my family.  I do not receive any compensation or perks for sharing these with you.  Just passing on what has worked for us, praying that you find what works for you and yours!


Mentor Meetings and Councils: Counseling with our Councils by M. Russell Ballard and A Thomas Jefferson Education Home Companion by DeMille, DeMille and Jeppson
Self-Government and Parenting: Nicholeen Peck
LDS Gospel-Based Self-Mastery Training: Eternal Warriors (this is where the PoWeR Calendar comes from)
Utah Funding Program for Homeschool Resources:
Online Tech Classes: Tech Trep Academy  
Check out my amazing daughter in this promo video:
Discount code for my friends: Enter Code: ldlkids 
When this is used at checkout via <> , families will receive 35% off! This unique code is good until August 31, 2016.
Life of Fred  Awesome story-based math that develops problem solving and mathematical thinking (and it's super funny and awesome).
Free printable Math worksheets for when you want to drill-and-kill :)
Teaching Textbooks (great ACT Prep for students who need to see and hear instructions):
24 Game: 
Rubik's Cube
Language Arts:
Memorization builds reading skills! American Heritage School Memorization Packet for grades K-12:
Educational Philosophy: Thomas Jefferson Education
Speech/Debate/Mentoring: Kathy Mellor
Routines/Home Cleaning: FlyLady
Menu Planning: Food Nanny (BYUTV), and
Writing Cycle, Mentoring Youth, History and Leadership Projects for Youth: Leadership Education Mentoring Institute (LEMI)
Mission/Vision/Goals/Skills: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People